the best moments in life

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صورة  zoooz's
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مشترك منذ تاريخ: 28/10/2006

* To fall in love.

* To laugh until it hurts your stomach.

* To find mails by the thousands when you return from a vacation.

* To go for a vacation to some pretty place.

* To listen to your favorite song in the radio.

* To go to bed and to listen while it rains outside.

* To leave the! shower and find that the towel is warm.

* To clear your last exam.

* To find money in a pant that you haven't used since last year .

* To laugh at yourself looking at mirror, making faces.))

* Calls at midnight that last for hours.)

* To laugh without a reason.

* To accidentally hear somebody say something good about you.

* To wake up and realize it is still possible to sleep for a couple of hours.

* To hear a song that makes you remember a special person.

* To be part of a team.

* To watch the sunset from the hill top.

* To make new friends.

* To feel butterflies! in the stomach every time that you see that person.

* To pass time with your best friends.

* To see people that you like, feeling happy.

* To use a sweater of the person that you like and find that it still smells of their perfume.

* See an old friend again and to feel that the things have not changed.

* To take an evening walk along the beach.

* To have somebody tell you that he/she loves you.

* To laugh .......laugh........and laugh ...... remembering stupid things done with stupid friends.

These are the best moments of life....

Let us learn to cherish them.

"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be enjoyed"

and you what is your best moment?"

from my e-mail

علمتني الحياة إن ليست كل الذئاب أعداء ولا كل العصافير أصدقاء ولا كل الأرانب أليفة ولا كل الأسود مفترسة وأن ليس كل الأطفال أنقياء ولا كل الثعالب ماكرة ولا كل العقارب سامة ولا كل الكلاب أوفياء ...

مشترك منذ تاريخ: 17/08/2006

oh yea, actually i have a lot of moments to talk about, and share you

i've had many cool moments in my life, honestly

the best of them where with my girl friend

Hey ZoooZ, could i mention some of them?1

i remember one time i was with my girl friend i wanted to refer to her eye and told her how beautiful it is

and i accidentally touched her eye strongly and i hurted her

i felt sorry and laughed at my self


thanks a lot Zoooz

cool topic, but may i told you something

it's a secret, i'll tell you later


الأمل ينام كالدب بين ضلوعنا منتظراً الربيع لينهض.. (إنديرا غاندي)